DITA Validator Plug-in
The plug-in consists of a single transform which can do the following:
- Echo validation results to the command line
- Automatically fix common validation errors within the document.
Return a report in Schematron Validation Report Language
) format.
More information about SVRL can be found at www.schematron.com.
Validator compliant DITA
The DITA Validator extends the concept of XML validation to run a series of structure and style compliance rules. Sample rules include:
Whether the source files for
elements exist -
attributes are linking to missing elements -
Whether every
element in the document has a meaningful@id
Whether every
element has a title -
If an
refers to a location on the web, both the@scope="external"
attributes must be set -
Whether all
attributes are lower case and dash separated - Whether any blacklisted words are found within the document.
Whether the document will be unable to render as PDF due to empty
Run the plug-in installation commands:
dita install https://github.com/jason-fox/com.here.validate.svrl/archive/master.zip
The dita command line tool requires no additional configuration.
Command Line
Creating an SVRL file
To create an SVRL file use the svrl transform with the --args.validate.mode=report parameter.
- From a terminal prompt move to the directory holding the document to validate.
- SVRL file creation (svrl) can be run like any other DITA-OT transform:
dita --format svrl \
--args.validate.mode=report \
--output out \
--input document.ditamap
Once the command has run, an SVRL file is created.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<active-pattern role="dita" name="/running-text-fixme.dita"/>
<fired-rule context="common" role="content"/>
<failed-assert role="warning" location="/topic/body[1]/section[2]/p[1]">
<diagnostic-reference diagnostic="running-text-fixme">
Line 20: p - [running-text-fixme]
Found 'FIXME' comments in the following text in this &lt;p&gt; element -
fix as requested and delete the comment.
FIXME This needs to be fixed
<fired-rule context="common" role="structure"/>
<fired-rule context="common" role="style"/>
<fired-rule context="topic" role="style"/>
<fired-rule context="section" role="style"/>
<fired-rule context="section" role="style"/>
<active-pattern role="ditamap" name="/document.ditamap"/>
<fired-rule context="common" role="structure"/>
Echoing results to the command line
To echo results to the command line use the svrl transform without specifying a report
- Document validation (svrl) can be run like any other DITA-OT transform:
dita --format svrl \
--input document.ditamap
Once the command has run, all errors and warnings are echoed to the command line.
[WARN] [/out/temp/dita/topics/comment-fixme.dita]
Line 15: section[id="bad"] - [comment-fixme]
Found 'FIXME' comments within the <section> element - fix as requested and delete the comment.
FIXME This comment requires action
Found 0 Errors 1 Warnings
Additionally, if an error occurs, the command will fail.
[ERROR] [/document.ditamap]
Line 89: topicref - [href-not-lower-case]
The value provided in href="topics/FILE-NOT-LOWER-CASE.dita" is invalid, allowed characters are: lowercase, a-z only, words separated by hyphens.
Found 1 Errors 0 Warnings
Error: [SVRL001F][FATAL] Errors detected during validation
Optionally, the output can be highlighted using ANSI color codes by adding the args.validate.color parameter.
dita --format svrl-echo \
--input document.ditamap \
Fix common errors automatically
To run the auto-fix command from the command line use the svrl transform with the --args.validate.mode=fix-dita parameter.
dita --format svrl \
--input document.ditamap \
Once the command has run, the DITA files are updated and fixable errors and warnings are no longer present.
Parameter Reference
- args.validate.ignore.rules - Comma separated list of rules not to be enforced
- args.validate.blacklist - Comma separated list of words not to be present in the running text
- args.validate.cachefile - Specifies the location of cache file to be used. Validation will only run across altered files if this parameter is present
- args.validate.check.case - Comma separated list of words which have a specified capitalization
- args.validate.color - When set, errors and warnings are Output highlighted using ANSI color codes
args.validate.mode - Validation reporting mode. The
following values are supported:
- strict - Outputs both warnings and errors. Fails on errors and warnings.
- default - Outputs both warnings and errors. Fails on errors only
- lax - Ignores all warnings and outputs errors only. Fails on Errors only
- report - Creates an SVRL file
- fix-dita - Updates existing DITA files and automatically fixes as many errors as possible
- svrl.customization.dir - Specifies the customization directory
- svrl.ruleset.file - Specifies severity of the rules to apply. If this parameter is not present, default severity levels will be used.
- svrl.filter.file - Specifies the location of the XSL file used to filter the echo output. If this parameter is not present, the default echo output format will be used.
Using ANT
An ANT build file is supplied in the same directory as the sample document. The main target can be seen below:
<dirname property="dita.dir" file="PATH_TO_DITA_OT"/>
<property name="dita.exec" value="${dita.dir}/bin/dita"/>
<property name="args.input" value="PATH_TO_DITA_DOCUMENT/document.ditamap"/>
<target name="validate" description="validate a document">
<exec executable="${dita.exec}" osfamily="unix" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-input"/>
<arg value="${args.input}"/>
<arg value="-output"/>
<arg value="${dita.dir}/out/svrl"/>
<arg value="-format"/>
<arg value="svrl-echo"/>
<!-- validation transform specific parameters -->
<arg value="--args.validate.blacklist=(kilo)?metre|colour|teh|seperate"/>
<arg value="--args.validate.check.case=Bluetooth|HTTP[S]? |IoT|JSON|Java|Javadoc|JavaScript|XML"/>
<arg value="--args.validate.color=true"/>
<!-- For Windows run from a DOS command -->
<exec dir="${dita.dir}/bin" executable="cmd" osfamily="windows" failonerror="true">
<arg value="/C"/>
<arg value="dita -input ${args.input} -output ${dita.dir}/out/svrl -format svrl-echo --args.validate.blacklist=&quot;(kilo)?metre|colour|teh|seperate&quot; --args.validate.check.case=&quot;Bluetooth|HTTP[S]? |IoT|JSON|Java|Javadoc|JavaScript|XML&quot;"/>
Validator Customization
Adding New Validator Rules
This DITA-OT plug-in contains a common ruleset of general validator rules. The ruleset has been designed to be applicable to all documents created by all users. To add new custom rules (which only apply to your specific use case) you should create a separate custom validator plug-in which extends the base validator. See the sample Extended DITA Validator as an example of how to do this.
Altering severity
The severity of a validator rule can be altered by amending entries in the
file The plug-in supports four
severity levels:
- FATAL - Fatal rules will fail validation and cannot be overridden.
- ERROR - Error rules will fail validation. Errors can be overridden as described above.
- WARNING - Warning rules will display a warning on validation, but do not fail the validation. Warnings can also be individually overridden.
- INACTIVE - Inactive rules are not applied.
A custom ruleset file can be passed into the plug-in using the svrl.ruleset.file parameter:
dita --format svrl-echo--input document.ditamap -Dsvrl.ruleset.file=PATH_TO_CUSTOM/ruleset.xml
Ignoring Rules
Removing validator rules globally
Rules can be made inactive by altering the severity (see above). Alternatively a rule can be commented out in the XSL.
To completely remove rules which do not apply to your document set, you can create a customized DITA-OT plug-in which extends the base validator. See the Extended DITA Validator as an example of how to do this.
Ignoring a validator rule throughout a document
Individual rules can be ignored by adding the args.validate.ignore.rules
parameter to the command line. The value of the parameter should be a
comma-delimited list of each rule-id
to ignore.
For example to ignore the table-id-missing
validation rule
within a document you would run:
dita -f svrl-echo--input document.ditamap -Dargs.validate.ignore.rules=table-id-missing
Ignoring a specific instance of a validator rule
Specific instances of a rule can be ignored by adding a comment within the *.dita
file. The comment should start with ignore-rule
, and needs to
be added at the location where the error is flagged.
<table platform="pdfonly" frame="none" >
<!-- ignore-rule:table-id-missing -->
<tgroup cols="1">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="336pt"/>
Some rules such as FIXME and TODO in the running text need to be double escaped as shown below:
Add a comment line with the text
to ignore the issue flagged in the text below (no FIXMEs allowed in the running text) -
Add the
to the list of ignored rules to ignore the fact that the comment itself fails an additional rule (no FIXMEs allowed in the comments)
We want to display the text below which would usually
result in a warning
<!-- ignore-rule:running-text-fixme,comment-fixme -->
FIXME is usually banned in the running text.
Ignoring all warnings within a block
A block of DITA can be excluded from firing all rules at WARNING level by
adding the comment ignore-all-warnings
to the block. This is
especially useful to avoid false positive TODO warnings for text which is in
We want to display the Spanish text below which would usually
result in a series of warnings for the word TODOS
<section xml:lang="es-es" id="legal-es">
<!-- ignore-all-warnings -->
<title>Avisos legales</title>
© 2017 <keyword keyref="brand-name"/> Global B.V. Todos los derechos reservados.
Este material, incluidos la documentación y los programas informáticos relacionados, está protegido por derechos de autor controlados
por <keyword keyref="brand-name"/>. Todos los derechos están reservados. La copia, incluidos la reproducción, almacenamiento,
adaptación o traducción de una parte o de todo este material requiere el consentimiento por escrito de <keyword keyref="brand-name"/>.
Este material también contiene información confidencial, que no se puede revelar a otras personas sin el consentimiento previo y
por escrito de <keyword keyref="brand-name"/>.
Ignoring all errors within a block
A block of DITA can be excluded from firing all rules at ERROR level by
adding the comment ignore-all-errors
to the block. This is
useful to avoid issues with generated DITA files which are parsable DITA, but
which may not satisfy in-house validation style rules.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
<topic id="generated-topic" other-props="generated">
<!-- ignore-all-warnings, ignore-all-errors -->
<title>Topic title</title>
Generated Content goes here...
Rules set at FATAL level cannot be ignored.
DITA Fixer Customization
Adding a new fixable rule
An editable macrofile can be found in cfg/rulesset/fix-macros.xml. If a rule can be auto fixed, a macro should be added to the file in the following format:
<macrodef name="rowsep-invalid">
<attribute name="file"/>
<attribute name="path"/>
<delete-attribute file="@{file}" path="@{path}" attr="rowsep"/>
Where the @name
of the macro matches the rule @id
The @file
attribute supplies name of the file to be updated and the @path
attribute supplies the XPath to the invalid element. The DITA file can be
updated using XMLTask which has been supplied as a
library. The following convenience functions are also available by default:
Amending a fixable rule
The default functionality applied to fix a broken rule can be amended by altering the macro. If a rule is inactive within the ruleset it will not be fixed.
Validator Error Messages
The following tables list the validator error messages by type and message ID.
Base DITA validator rules are in normal text. Rules in bold are examples
of custom rules which can be detected if the overrides
transform from the Extended DITA Validator is used.
Content Validation
Fix | Message ID | Message | Corrective Action/Comment |
NO | comment-fixme | Found comments within the <{name}>
element - fix as requested and delete the comment.
Replace the draft content with the correct information. |
NO | comment-todo | Found within the following text of the <{name}>
element - fix as requested and delete the comment.
Replace the draft content with the correct information. |
NO | blacklisted-words | Words in the blacklist should not appear in the running text: | Remove the blacklisted words. |
NO | incorrect-capitalization | The word is incorrectly capitalized in the following text: | The indicated word is not capitalized correctly. Fix the capitalization. |
NO | running-text-fixme | Found comments in the following text in this <{name}>
element - fix as requested and delete the comment.
Replace the draft content with the correct information. |
NO | running-text-lorem-ipsum | Found dummy text in this <{name}>
element, remove or replace with valid content.
Replace the standard lorem ipsum filler text with the correct information. |
NO | running-text-todo | Found comments in the following text in this <{name}>
element - fix as requested and delete the comment.
Replace the draft content with the correct information. |
Style Validation
Fix | Message ID | Message | Corrective Action/Comment |
YES | codeblock-outputclass-missing | Always provide an outputclass attribute in <codeblock>
elements (for example, add outputclass="language-javascript").
This @outputclass attribute
is used for decorating the HTML output to make code easier to read. If the
content in the <codeblock> element is JSON use the key
value pair @outputclass="language-javascript" . For more
information on the <codeblock> element, see codeblock.
YES | codeblock-scale-missing | Always provide a scale attribute in
<codeblock> elements (for example, add @scale="80" ).
This @scale attribute reduces
the size of the code text in the output to make it easier to read (the values
are percent). We recommend you set the scale to 80 percent. For more
information on the <codeblock> element, see codeblock.
YES | conref-not-lower-case | The specification of @conref="..."
is invalid, allowed characters are: lower case, a-z only, words separated by
The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the
source file specified in the @conref attribute references a
file with an invalid name. For instance, if you define the @conref
attribute as follows <p
the file name does not comply with the file naming guidelines. - Only use lower
case letters in a file name. - If a file name contains multiple words, use a
hyphen to separate them, for example, overview-map.dita or
request-map-report.dita . - The file type (and file extension)
for all DITA XML files in the repository must be .dita or .ditamap.
- Base the file name on the main topic title. If the title is Naming Conventions
then the topic @id should be naming-conventions
and the file name should be naming-conventions.dita . - Do not
include arbitrary strings to indicate the contents of the chapter, topic type,
etc. - Do not include computer-generated text such as topic-2
or GUID-1234-5678-1234 . - Do not use non-standard acronyms,
for instance, border-xing instead of border-crossing .
NO | element-blacklisted | The <name> element
is not compliant with our subset of DITA documentation standards.
Custom Rule: While the DITA open standard supports a large number of elements, the extended validator only supports a subset of these elements in order to make the documents more consistent. Replace the rejected element with a supported element. |
YES | fig-id-invalid | @id values must start with @'fig-'
in all <fig> elements.
In order to assist with search engine
optimization (SEO) of content, all figure elements must have an @id .
NO | fig-id-missing | Always provide an @id value
in <fig> elements.
In order to assist with search engine
optimization (SEO) of content, all figure elements must have an @id .
YES | file-not-lower-case | Found file '...' with
invalid name, allowed characters in file names are: lowercase, a-z only, words
separated by hyphens.
In order to assist with search engine optimization (SEO) of content, file names must be lower case. Fix the name as appropriate. |
YES | href-not-lower-case | The value provided in @href="..."
is invalid, allowed characters are: lowercase, a-z only, words separated by
The file specified in the @href
attribute does not comply with the file naming conventions. Fix the name as
NO | id-blacklisted | @id attribute values must
not use the word 'content' . Change the @id value.
Custom Rule: Some delivery channels
used to deliver content to customers may be configured to already use certain @id
values. Change the word content to another @id . For more information on @id
attributes, see id.
YES | id-not-lower-case | The ID value in @id="..." is
invalid, allowed characters are: lowercase, a-z only, words separated by hyphens.
In order to assist with search engine
optimization (SEO) of content, @id attributes must comply with the @id
conventions. Fix the name as appropriate. - Only use lower case letters in a
file name. - If a file name contains multiple words, use a hyphen to separate
them, for example, overview-map.dita or request-map-report.dita .
- The file type (and file extension) for all DITA XML files in the repository must be .dita
or .ditamap. - Base the file name on the main topic title. If the title
is Naming Conventions then the topic ID should be naming-conventions
and the file name should be naming-conventions.dita . - Do not
include arbitrary strings to indicate the contents of the chapter, topic type,
etc. - Do not include computer-generated text such as topic-2
or GUID-1234-5678-1234 . For more information on @id
attributes, see id.
NO | image-file-type-not-supported | The value provided in @href="..."
specifies an unsupported file format (only *.jpg , *.jpeg
or *.png are allowed). Change the format of the linked file.
The validator ensures that only *.jpg ,
*.jpeg or *.png format files are used in
online HTML documents. Convert the image format to the correct format.
NO | section-id-missing | Always provide an @id
attribute in <section> elements.
In order to assist with search engine
optimization (SEO), all section elements must have an @id .
NO | table-id-missing | Always provide an @id
attribute in <table> elements.
In order to assist with search engine
optimization (SEO), add an @id to <table>
elements. For more information on tables, see table.
YES | topic-file-mismatch | The value specified in id="{name}" does not
match the file name: {file_name}. Make sure the @id value and
the file name are the same.
In order to assist with search engine
optimization (SEO) of content, the @id for <topic>
elements must be the same as the file name, which also ends up by the name of
the HTML file. For more information on topics, see topic. For more information on @id ,
see id
YES | xref-no-format |
Always provide a @format attribute in
<xref> elements, (for example, @format="dita" or @format="html" ).
Specify a value for the @format
attribute for <xref> elements. Examples of valid values include dita ,html ,
and pdf . For more information on <xref>
elements, see xref.
Structure Validation
Fix | Message ID | Message | Corrective Action/Comment |
NO | chapter-href-missing | Always provide an href attribute in
<chapter> elements.
When you add a <chapter>
element to a @ditamap , you must specify a @href="{file_name}"
key/value pair that defines the content that appears on the chapter page in the
PDF (and on the chapter landing page in HTML). Alternatively, you can define
the following two attributes: @navtitle="..." lockitle="yes" .
This approach has the effect of adding a title but not content on the chapter
page/node. For more information on the <chapter>
element, see chapter.
NO | coderef-href-ref-file-not-found | The linked source file does not exist. Check the related folder for the missing file and make sure the file name is correct. | The <coderef> element
is generally used for importing a source file when the validator builds the
document. When you get this error, the reference cannot be resolved. Note that
DITA does not allow you to reference files outside the root folder of the
document. By default, these files should be in the @source
folder under the document root folder. For more information on the <coderef>
element, see codeblock.
NO | colspec-colnum-not-unique | The key/value pair @colnum="..."
is not unique. Make sure there are no duplicates.
In order for the validator to render table
content properly, these key/value pairs must be unique. For instance, the
following codeblock illustrates well-formatted DITA that complies with this
requirement. <colspec colnum="1"/><colspec colnum="2"/><colspec colnum="3"/>
For more information on the <table> element, see table.
NO | conref-external-file-not-found | The linked file does not exist. Check the related folder for the missing file and make sure the file name is correct. | The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the
referenced file cannot be resolved. Note that DITA does not allow you to
reference files outside the root folder of the document. By default, this kind
of content should be in the includes.dita file.
NO | conref-external-id-mismatch | The conref source <{name}>
and the destination <{name}> are not the same type.
Check to make sure the referenced elements are the same.
The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the referenced @id
in the source file specified in the @conref attribute is an @id
for an element that is of a different type than the element with the @conref
attribute. DITA requires that @conref attributes point at the
same kind of element. For instance, <p conref="includes.dita#includes/submission-note">
needs to reference an element in the includes.dita file that
is formatted as follows <p id="submission-note">CONTENT</p> .
NO | conref-external-id-not-found | The referenced @id does not
exist in the source file. Make sure the ID value specified is correct.
The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the referenced @id
in the source file specified in the @conref attribute cannot be
resolved. For instance, if you define the @conref attribute as
follows <p conref="includes.dita#includes/submission-note">
and you get this error, then the includes.dita file does not
have a <p> whose @id is set to @id="submission-note" .
NO | conref-external-path-not-found | The referenced path does not exist. Make sure the path is correct. | The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the
source file specified in the @conref attribute cannot be
resolved. For instance, if you define the @conref attribute as
follows <p conref="includes.dita#includes/submission-note">
and you get this error, then the validator cannot find the includes.dita
file. Note that DITA does not allow you to reference files outside the root
folder of the document.
NO | conref-external-path-mismatch | The conref source <{name}>
and the destination <{name}> are not the same type. Make
sure the path is correct.
The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the referenced @id
in the source file specified in the @conref attribute is an @id
for an element that is of a different type than the element with the @conref
attribute. DITA requires that @conref attributes point at the
same kind of element. For instance, <p conref="includes.dita#includes/submission-note">
needs to reference an element in the includes.dita file that
is formatted as follows <p id="submission-note">CONTENT</p> .
NO | conref-internal-id-not-found | The referenced @id does not
exist in this file. Make sure the @id value specified is correct.
The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the referenced @id
specified in the @conref attribute cannot be resolved. For
instance, if you define the @conref attribute as follows
<p conref="submission-note"> and you get this error,
then the source file does not have a <p> whose
@id is set to @id="submission-note" .
NO | conref-internal-path-mismatch | The conref source <{name}>
and the destination <{name}> are not the same type. Make
sure the path is correct.
The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the referenced @id
specified in the @conref attribute is an ID for an element that
is of a different type than the element with the @conref
attribute. DITA requires that @conref attributes point at the
same kind of element. For instance, <p conref="submission-note">
needs to reference an element that is formatted as follows <p
id="submission-note">CONTENT</p> .
NO | conref-internal-path-not-found | The referenced path does not exist in this file. Make sure the path is correct. | The @conref attribute is used
for importing documentation segments reused across the document when the
validator builds the document. For more information on using the @conref
attribute, see conref. When you get this error, the
value specified in the @conref attribute cannot be resolved.
For instance, if you define the @conref attribute as follows
<p conref="<file_name>#submission-note"> and you
get this error, then the validator cannot resolve the path.
NO | href-file-not-found | The file specified in @href="..."
does not exist. Check the related folder for the missing file and make sure the
file name is correct.
The validator cannot find the file specified in the @href
attribute. Make sure the file is in the indicated path. Note that DITA does not
allow you to reference files outside the root folder of the document.
NO | id-not-unique | Found a duplicate ID with value , @id
values must be unique within a file. Change the @id value.
DITA requires that all @id
attributes within a file must be unique. Change the @id value.
For more information on @id attributes, see id.
NO | image-href-ref-file-not-found | The linked image file does not exist. Check the graphics folder for the missing file and make sure the link and file name specified are correct. | The validator cannot find the file specified in the @href
attribute. Check the path to ensure the file is there.
NO | image-product-filtered-not-included | Found <image product="..."> .
This results in an empty <fig> for other variants. Add
additional @product attributes for the missing ditaval filters.
Custom Rule: When skinning a document for various customers it is necessary to filter the images used. By placing all images in a single conref’d file it is easier to ensure that all images will be present for all customers. see ditavals. |
NO | list-all-li-filtered | Found only <li product="...">
elements in <ul> . This results in an empty <ul>
for other variants. Either add additional @product attributes
for the ditaval filters or add <ul product="..."> to the
appropriate list elements.
The specified variant creation attributes result in a variant with a list without list items. Specify an additional variant attribute to ensure the list has items in all variants or remove the list entirely by specifying the appropriate attributes. For more information on creating variants, see ditavals. For information on list items, see li. |
NO | table-all-rows-filtered | Found only <row product="...">
elements in <tbody> . This results in an empty <tbody>
for other variants. Either add additional product attributes for the missing
variants or add <table product="..."> to the appropriate
elements. The specified variant creation attributes result in a variant with a
table without rows, which results in a broken PDF build.
Specify an additional variant attribute to ensure the table has rows in all variants or remove the table entirely by specifying the appropriate attributes. For more information on creating variants, see ditavals. For more information on tables, see table. |
NO | tgroup-cols-colspec-mismatch | The number of {name} <colspec>
elements defined do not match the parent <tgroup cols="...">
attribute. Make sure the number of <colspec> elements
corresponds with the cols value.
In order to generate PDFs correctly, the
number of <colspec> elements must match the number in
the <tgroup cols="..."> attribute. For more information
on tables, see table.
NO | tgroup-cols-entry-mismatch | The number of {name} <entry>
elements found do not match the parent <tgroup cols="...">
attribute. Make sure the number of <entry> elements
corresponds with the cols value.
In order to generate PDFs correctly, the
number of <entry> elements in a <row>
element must match the number in the <tgroup cols="...">
attribute. For more information on tables, see table.
NO | topicref-href-missing | Always provide an @href
attribute in <topicref> elements.
DITA uses the @href attribute
to specify connections between topicref elements and a file. Add an @href
attribute to the element and specify the appropriate value. For more
information on <topicref> elements, see topicref.
NO | xref-external-file-not-found | The file specified in <xref href="...">
does not exist. Check the related folder for the missing file and make sure the
link and file name specified are correct.
When you get this error, the referenced file
cannot be resolved. Note that DITA does not allow you to reference files
outside the root folder of the document. Make sure the path exists. For more
information on <xref> elements, see xref.
NO | xref-external-id-not-found | The referenced @id in <xref href="...">
does not exist. Make sure the @id value specified is correct.
When you get this error, the validator cannot
resolve the @id in the target file. Note that DITA does not
allow you to reference files outside the root folder of the document. Make sure
the file exists and contains the @id . For more information on <xref>
elements, see xref.
NO | xref-external-path-not-found | The referenced path in <xref href="...">
does not exist. Make sure the path specified is correct.
When you get this error, the validator cannot
resolve the @id in the target file. Note that DITA does not
allow you to reference files outside the root folder of the document. Make sure
the file exists and contains the @id . For more information on <xref>
elements, see xref.
NO | xref-internal-id-not-found | The referenced ID in <xref href="...">
does not exist. Make sure the @id value specified is correct.
When you get this error, the validator cannot
resolve the @id in the file. Make sure the file contains the @id .
For more information on <xref> elements, see xref.
NO | xref-internal-path-not-found | The referenced path in <xref href="...">
does not exist. Make sure the path is correct.
When you get this error, the validator cannot
resolve the provided path in the file. Make sure the file contains the path.
For more information on <xref> elements, see xref.
YES | xref-www-format-invalid | <xref href="..." format="dita">
The specified value points to an external file and cannot have the attribute
key/value pair format="dita". Change the format value as appropriate (for
example, format="html").
Specify a value for the @format
attribute for <xref> elements. Examples of valid values include @dita ,
@html , and @pdf . For more information on <xref>
elements, see xref.
YES | xref-www-scope-invalid | <xref href="..."> The
specified value points to an external file. Specify the attribute key/value
pair scope="external".
The @href attribute specifies
a web page or similar target, which means the @scope attribute
must have the value @external . Change the value as required.
For more information on <xref> elements, see xref.
Deprecated Elements
According to the DITA 2.0 proposal to remove deprecated markup certain elements, attributes and values will cease to be supported under DITA 2.0. These structure rules are all currently set to WARNING level and are auto-fixable.
Fix | Message ID | Message | Corrective Action/Comment |
YES | boolean-deprecated | The <boolean> element
will no longer be supported in DITA 2.0.
Replace the <boolean>
element with a <state> element.
YES | chunk-to-navigation-deprecated | @chunk="to-navigation" is not
supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute |
YES | image-alt-deprecated | <image> elements will
no longer support the @alt attribute in DITA 2.0.
Replace the @alt attribute
with an <alt> sub-element.
YES | image-longdescref-deprecated | <image> elements will
no longer support the @longdescref attribute in DITA 2.0.
Replace the @longdescref
attribute with an <longdescref> sub-element.
YES | indextermref-deprecated | The <boolean> element
will no longer be supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the element |
YES | linklist-collection-type-tree-deprecated | The <linklist> element
will no longer support @collection-type="tree" in DITA 2.0.
Replace the value |
YES | linkpool-collection-type-tree-deprecated | The <linkpool> element
will no longer support @collection-type="tree" in DITA 2.0.
Replace the value |
YES | lq-type-deprecated | The <lq> element will
no longer support the @type attribute in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute |
YES | map-title-deprecated | The <map> element will
no longer support the @title attribute in DITA 2.0.
Replace the @title attribute
with an <title> sub-element.
YES | navref-keyref-deprecated | The <navref> element
will no longer support the @keyref attribute in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute |
YES | navtitle-deprecated | The @navtitle attribute will
no longer be supported in DITA 2.0.
Replace the @navtitle
attribute with an <navtitle> sub-element.
YES | print-deprecated | The @print attribute will no
longer be supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute |
YES | query-deprecated | The @query attribute will no
longer be supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute |
YES | refcols-deprecated | The @refcols attribute will
no longer be supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute |
YES | relcolspec-collection-type-deprecated | <relcolspec> elements
will no longer support the @collection-type attribute in DITA
Delete the attribute |
YES | reltable-collection-type-deprecated | <reltable> elements
will no longer support the @collection-type attribute in DITA
Delete the attribute |
YES | role-external-deprecated | @role="external" is not
supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute or replace with
@scope and @format
YES | role-sample-deprecated | @role="sample" is not
supported in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute. |
YES | topichead-locktitle-deprecated | <topichead> elements
will no longer support the @locktitle attribute in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute. |
YES | topicgroup-locktitle-deprecated | <topicgroup> elements
will no longer support the @locktitle attribute in DITA 2.0.
Delete the attribute. |