Passthrough Plugin

This is an abstract base DITA-OT Plug-in to enable files to bypass DITA-OT pre-processing and be copied directly over into the processing directory. It is designed to be extended.

The plugin consists of a no-op file reader and an Antlib library. It offers two extension-points for further processing.


Run the plug-in installation commands:

dita install
dita install

The dita command line tool requires no additional configuration.


To mark a file as requiring no processing, label it with @format="passthrough" within the DITA <map> as shown:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE bookmap PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA BookMap//EN" "bookmap.dtd">
    <mapref format="passthrough" href="sample.txt"/>

The additional file will be added to the build job without processing.

Extension points

This plug-in is designed to be extended and offers two extension points:

  • passthrough.pre - Runs an additional ANT target before the passthrough pre-processing stage.

  • passthrough.process - Runs an additional ANT target as part of the passthrough processing stage.


The following plugin.xml will enable the post-processing of all files marked as format=NEW_FORMAT.

<plugin id="com.example.passthrough.dita">
  <feature extension="passthrough.process" value="run-processing"/>
  <feature extension="dita.parser">
    <parser format="NEW_FORMAT" class="fox.jason.passthrough.parser.FileReader"/>
Figure 1. plugin.xml Configuration
<project name="com.example.passthrough.dita">

  <macrodef name="do-something">
    <attribute name="src" />
    <attribute name="dest" />
    <attribute name="title" />
    <attribute name="metadata" />
      <!-- Further processing -->

  <target name="run-processing">
    <passthrough-iterate format="NEW_FORMAT" macro="do-something"/>
Figure 2. ANT build file

A working example can be found in the DITA-OT Pandoc plug-in repository.

ANT Task

The following ANT task is available from the DITA-OT Pass Through plug-in:



Post process all files of a given format using the macro supplied.


Attribute Description Required
format The @format attribute used with the DITA <map> Yes
macro The name of the <macrodef> to run Yes


 <passthrough-iterate format="NEW_FORMAT" macro="do-something"/>

Files marked as @format="NEW_FORMAT" should be processed by the macrodef called do-something. The macro must offer an interface with src, dest, title and metadata attributes. All attributes will be pre-supplied by DITA-OT.

Attribute Description Required
src The source file which holds the raw input format Yes
dest The destination file for the processed DITA Yes
title The title to use for the DITA topic Yes
metadata Any additional topic metadata to process (in XML format) Yes
<macrodef name="do-something">
    <attribute name="src" />
    <attribute name="dest" />
    <attribute name="title" />
    <attribute name="metadata" />
        <!-- Further processing -->